"Maja Medić’s eye, objective but engaged, gifted but not determined, as it should be with the exquisite professionals, has caught a lot of the essential irony of this process.
personal projects
In the year when the firm Polaroid has announced discontinuance of the production of the paper for the Polaroid I made this project - collection of portraits of the people who actively participate in my life.
Soon after the end of the II World War, twenty-eight year old Smiljan Nemčanin, a pilot, lawyer, rower, amateur photographer & my grand mother's older brother disappeared. Until this day we don't know where was he laid to rest.
This book was made for the art contest made by Hugo Boss, titled - 'Ego (Šk)Art: New Edition!'
Exhibition "Images We Remeber (us) By" is the first part of the project called "Interpetations of personal memories" by
This is a long-term project about my grandmother, her rich inner life on one hand and how she presented herself to the world on the other.
This project represents a comparative study of a women's lives in XX century. It consists of collected material of four generations of women - information and photographs at their age of 27, as well as a (family) story.